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Nikky Threads

Started by Johnny Camaro, October 02, 2023, 06:04:19 PM

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Johnny Camaro

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Date Posted:23/09/2010 5:15 PMCopy HTML

Warning: The following that you are about to witness may leave you brain dead if you cannot handle the violent content that you are about to read. If you cannot handle it, please do go back or hit the "x" button on the right hand corner of the screen. For those that can handle, please go on but if you fail to read the warning or your brain explodes, you can expect people to spit on your corpse before it is buries. Read on and have a nice day. 

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Roleplay titlePeople used/mentionedAllies/enemiesNext matchAchievementsOOC
Insert hereVenom/ DSS, Infection, DCInfection/DCvs. Cody JerichoInsert hereInsert here

So Nikky has been training for his match this week. He is fighting a man who has just as much to prove to everyone. Nikky knows that the last couple of weeks haven't been his best but he needs to restart. He made a name for himself but it has been forgotten. He hadn't done anything outside of SEF, he needs to make his name remembered once again.

Basically all this means that Nick Miller was right, Nikky does need a name. One thing he was wrong about was Johnny. He negected to remember the other company that Johnny has risen to the top of. But that doesn't matter now. What does matter is the fact that Nikky is preparing for his match. He has been working on speed, endurance, and resiliency. All of these will help with his career for obvious reasons. After all, the one thing Nik didn't do before coming back to SEF was start training again, then again it was rather spontanious. He really didn't have time to train, there was too many other things to do before returning to the ring.

Now, he has been training hard. It started last week before the short creation of the nWs, Nik knew he needed all of those aspects of his in-ring persona. So this week Nik has two things in mind, putting on a good show (exciting the fans), and winning.

He has asked the management for the match to be changed to a hardcore match. He doesn't want to hurt Cody badly, but atleast if anyone tries to interfere Nik can have a weapon close by. Of course he had to go around the General Managers as they really wouldn't give a shit. Besides, they would just plan an attack. This way they won't have time to plan and this match will be done in peace.

Nik would basically be alone as he and Johnny are now focusing on their singles careers. They ruled as singles before and they can do it again. So how will things turn out? As a narrator I know but will not tell you as it would fuck the future up. You know the butterfly effect and all. Well, til next we meet. I am Mr Narrator-Voice and you should all go to Tha O Show.com and download BECOMING, an album of up and comers. Peace.

Disclaimer: This layout is a freebie made by Blaze Inferno for the use of anyone. If you are found claiming this as your own, your fingers will be cut off and be fed to the dogs. This layout does not sponsor any real life events or people. It is just a mere concidence. 


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