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Just Calling It Straighter Than You Can

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 07:28:51 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:26/09/2010 6:00 PMCopy HTML

So he wants to start talking facts and yet continues to show how immature and incorrect he truly is. Matlock trying to covering his own lies with twisting of the truth to make himself look good yet it only shows his stupidity. I gaze out from the balcony of the hotel room, thinking, then turn and let the world see one of the best wrestlers in the world, then I smirk and say.
Tsk, tsk Matlock, your not fooling anyone with your ridiculous line of bullshit. First things first, super kicks are used by more than one person in this industry and HBK made it famous, but not everyone is a rip off him, especially not Mack who made that move his own back when HBK was doing the same and you all of all people should know the history between the two men to know better than to ever utter that lie in regards to Mack. Why do you even care to spew it anyways when Mack is old news, he is history courtesy of Rick and if he ever came back here I would eliminate him, but he won't cause he knows better!
At least Mack better know best to stay away or I'll end him and make him feel what Matt feels tonight, failure!
As far as accolades in SEF is concerned, your ignorance proves only stupidity for while you were handed the ball I was working my way up. I entered the company after you and just was not in the same spot, until now and after Sunday I rise above you, plain and simple! You can continue to moan and groan about facing this or that person outside the company, but it still means absolutely nothing to what you do here in SEF and as far as being labeled a liar constantly. Careful son, I remember back when you and Mack feuded heavily and he never ran you down as a liar, he simply called you out anytime you did lie which happened to be quite often, so get over it cause its obvious your not!
True, why else would he go off about it so much?
You don't know very much about me at all if you continue to believe your own lies that myself or Rick are nowhere near the best you have faced. Until you know Matt, you don't have a clue and as of now that's the case with you. Go ahead, look past the monster that is Axel, he doesn't give a shit how you look at him, regardless he will tear you apart. Your in denial big time and the moment when I win that title tonight your fantasy world will be crushed, you will be shattered and don't tempt to do it cause if I do try to make you tap I'll break your fucking arm or neck to do so. You don't want to try me son, I'll snap you into and eat you alive. I have lived and breathed this business since I started seven years ago, I never needed a break because I unlike some, like you, I love this business!
Got him again cause passion is measured in how much you show and Matt shows shit for wanting to get bigger.
As for your claim to be such a big star around the world, please kid, your no bigger than anyone else on Aimoo, from MSN, from any indy company and that's a fact. Your nowhere near the level of the DC and as I have said, I'll beat ya and I will prove that true, your nothing!
I just cross my arms now and smirk.
You don't even have the balls to show your face around here for more than a few quick, shitty promos anyways, your pathetic Matt, so keep on with your lies like I'm sure you will even after I put you down and maybe even make you tap. You're a once was promising star who could have been somebody, but instead you wasted it all away and now, like Rick said, that time to shine for you is no more, it will NEVER happen! We know all about the business, far more than your weak mind could even hold. Never is a strong word to use in this business, that is agreed upon, but in some cases, like yours, it rings true. YOU fucked up and burned your last bridge long ago and now that we got a hold of all the power in SEF, the GM's, the World Title, the TV Title is ours to take and so is the Underground Title, then just one more belt and its as simple as that, we control SEF and then...
Rick states from off camera with a fairly loud.
We kill it!
The camera whips around to film my cousin who just sits behind a small bar leaning forward on it with a drink in his hand. He sets that down and smirks saying.
What, that's I have to say, but Rob may want to say more!
And so the view rests back on me as I smirk and say.
Nothing more, Matlock owned himself enough and now its only a matter of time before he gets to step in the ring with a man just as good and more than likely better than anyone he has ever faced before, even Mack!
And I give a sneer now, then nod the camera back and walk into the room as it soon shuts off and fade to black.

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