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Justin Rodgers Promo 2

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 08:41:05 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:16/10/2010 12:48 AMCopy HTML


inappropriate for some younger viewers. If you are not offended by sexual situations, acts of extreme violence, and a lot of swearing, then keep reading. If you are easily offended, simply click the little
[x] on the top right corner of your screen. You have been warned!

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{Justin is still waiting on Camaro to show up to film a promo for the FFE tag team turmoil.  He jumps up, not one to sit around, and walks toward the camera as Rage looks like he's about to start packing up.}

Justin:"Wait.  {Rage turns}  I want you to film my response to Orton and Price."

{Rage shrugs.  He turns the camera back and then points at Justin}


Justin:"You know Price, I do not recall saying that I knew Chris Benoit, especially the way that you claim to know him.  Since you are deaf, I should probably have hired a sign language interpreter for this promo, but I thought, hey, what the hell?  You'd probably be either to stupid or too arrogant to even get the point.  As for being related to someone famous, on the level of a Chris Benoit......I never said that either.  My uncle, {points to Maegan}  Maegan's father, is Chris Fox, F-O-X, not B-E-N-O-I-T.  Yeah, my Uncle was Canadian.  Yes, he was from Edmonton and trained with the Hart Family, but I do not think that Benoit's parents were rich enough to live in the Windemere subdivision in Edmonton, nor did his mother have family in the British Parliment.  If he did, it wasn't something that was publicized.  Then again, I didn't care about his parents.  I was a fan of his career, nothing else.  Was I trained by someone famous?  Not me.  Not like that.  I was trained by my Uncle Chris, my father, my step-father, godfather, and uncle.  True, my father and godfather were trained by WCCW legends in Texas.  I wasn't.  I trained with my family and in the martial arts, I did attend the Bejing Sports Academy, but what does that matter to people in SEF, except that I can kick people harder or in different ways than the average wrestler?  Now, {points to Maegan} She trained at the Lance Storm Wrestling Academy and a little with the Hart Brothers.  She trained with someone famous.  {she chuckles}  Then again, she lived in the Edmonton/Calgary area most of her life.  I traveled all over with my mother and step-father before they split up, then in Edmonton, New Orleans, and finally Dallas when my parents finally got married.  So I don't know if you are stupid or just hard of hearing.  I wasn't trained by anyone internationally famous nor am I related to anyone internationally famous.  So you got lucky enough to train with the Hart Family, good for you.  So did Lacey Daniels.  {thumbs over his shoulder at Maegan} So did the twins.  Not me.  Not "The Prodigy" Justin Rodgers.  So I am trying to figure if you are insane or just stupid.  I do have to say, my bad.  I did mistakingly give you the respect that I thought you deserved for your training style.  I won't make that mistake again.  You are nothing more than some bastard who couldn't cut it in SEF before because you couldn't handle all the losses to guys like Mack, Torres, and Viper.  Now that Mack's retired and Viper's currently working corporate, you think you can slink back in here like a snake on your belly to try to steal a title shot when your past indicates that you've really none nothing to deserve it?  As much as I hate the chump, he and I have been butting heads for the past few weeks now.  He is a former SEF Champion.  I am a former SEF International Champion and yes, I did lose to Lacey Daniels, a woman, but in SEF, that doesn't mean shit.  The gender barriers were destroyed long ago.  Some would say the gender lines were destroyed with a nuclear explosion when Whitney Marrett not only survived but won the SEF title in a Japanese Death Match.  Facts, Jason.  Something that I am not sure that you can fully comprehend given your previous statements.  Orton and I will no doubt beat the holy hell out of each other and will do so at the ppv.  However, there is one thing that I can say about Orton, that I can say.  When it comes to the SEF title, he wants it off of Reynolds as bad as I do.  So if the match is the way I think it is at the ppv, the Reynolds will be the man to go after.  The man that everyone gangs up on, just to make sure that he does NOT leave Extreme Revolution with the heavyweight title.  Oh, I know that Orton wants the SEF title as much as I do, but that will come later.  That will come when we get to the ppv.  He may not think that any fans come to see me, but then he hates the fact that when you watch the playbacks of Extreme or of pay per views, who do they cheer?  Lacey gets some cat calls, but what do you get Orton?  You get some girls checking you out but what kind of reaction you get?  They boo.  They cheer me, a few positive reactions when I come out intermixed with the deafening roar of the crowd demanding Mack's return to SEF.  The same will happen at Extreme, at Extreme Revolution, and on Wildside when Camaro and I come out for the tag team turmoil match.  So you and Price had better realize that when it comes down to it, I will make it to the ppv.  I'm not just hungry to be the SEF champion, I'm famished!" 
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