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universal6 star tag team

Were The Team To Beat

Started by Da Gangstas, October 02, 2023, 08:57:35 PM

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Da Gangstas

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Date Posted:17/10/2010 5:36 PMCopy HTML

Standing around in the back is Nick Torres dressed as usual, toothpick hanging from his mouth and hair slicked back in a ponytail. Sitting back on a metal chair is Troy Storms dressed in loose blue jeans and gangstas shirt, banadana on over his eyes somewhat which appears closed. Torres just smirks and shrugs, then looks to the camera saying.
Well my partner here may be bored to death with the lackluster competition for our return match, plus he needs the rest, big bastard moves slow enough as it is!
He laughs at the rib on his bro, then looks a little more serious, just a little, and says.
Shane and Cody, like we said before, we don't sweat you and we don't care who your related too. We only care that you show up tonight and get ready to learn a lesson in tag team wrestling from the best tag team in SEF today! You don't realize it, but me and this big goof, we dominated SEF as tag team, that's part of why Da Gangstas is a name known for domination. The other part would be Mack and Viper of course, but they ain't no one to worry about tonight. The other side is Rick Reynolds, World Champion he is as well and his partner Hal Havoc. Yea, Hal, we were the lackeys were we, well tonight on Extreme you'll find out won't we!?
A slick smirk on his face and Nick removes the toothpick now and says.
You're a has been if I ever saw one Hal, holding on to something you can't do anymore. You used me and Troy once and we had enough of your ass and what happened to you ever since then? Ya never did shit is what, ya got exposed for the old has been you were and now look at ya, lackey to Reynolds in this Dangerous Corporation. That will be taken care of next Sunday, but tonight we draw first blood and give you a preview of Extreme Revolution on Extreme!
Torres flicks the toothpick to the camera and backs up doing a crotch chop, then yells.
He then kicks Storms in his left leg waking him up. Storms pulls his bandana up some and looks around confused and says.
She was eighteen, I swear!
Torres laughs and just says.
No man, the camera is on, wait, who's eighteen?
Storms scratches his head and grins cheekily saying.
Uh, what about eighteen, I was sleeping, what's going on, damn, that shit was good!
Torres smirking just says.
Yea, good thing we didn't miss the big four twenty huh?!
They both smirk now and Torres says.
So ya wanna shoot down Reynolds and his bitch Havoc or what?
Storms shrugs and looks up laughing, then says.
Oh yea, you mean the little gathering the DC had, sitting around din a circle jerk, well, they did have a couple chicks, they probably had dicks too though!
Both laugh and Storms says.
Ricky boy, you and Hollywood, your no match cause despite what you may have done on your own you aren't a tag team the caliber of Da Gangstas, especially me in dippity do here!
Torres laughs and responds quickly.
Funny, funny, hope you wrestle better than ya tell jokes though or were fucked!
Storms shoots back at him.
Funny thing is I was thinking the same about you, why ya think I was asleep, listening to your comedy routine!
Both laugh and Torres says.
That's just the jealousy talking, you know you wish you could be just like me!
He grins and Storms shakes his head laughing, then looks to the camera saying.
Reynolds and Havoc, give it up boys, your little dominant run with the DC is gonna be ending sooner than you like and as far as these Jericho kids go, the self proclaimed Jericho Army, heh, ok then, ya two got a hell of a learning experience ahead of you. Its triple threat, anything can happen and we know all about that. Da Gangstas work as one, always have...
And Torres finishes the sentence.
...always will! So if ya don't like that, then tough shit and from two men who make the best tag team in SEF, you can...
And both start to do a crotch chop when Shady Smack comes running into view wearing an Impact X shirt and doing crotch chops. Storms and Torres just grin and yell.
And do crotch chops, Storms getting to his feet and stands over Shady with Torres on the other side. Shady looks up at them handing each a can of Sapporo, then pulls a huge king sized joint from his ear putting in his mouth and gets big eyes, raising his eyebrows up and down. Torres and Storms crack their beers and walk off with Shady now, Storms looking back and saying.
Shut that shit down and join us brother, if ya want!?
And he is gone now, then the view quickly fades to black.

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