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Matt seeks advice from Viper

Started by Kristin Fox, October 02, 2023, 09:48:39 PM

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Kristin Fox

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Date Posted:21/10/2010 6:35 PMCopy HTML




{{Matt walks down the hallway in a black shirt that says "I Keel YOU" in red and jeans.  He looks like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders and is terribly preoccupied. He knocks on Viper's door and heads in.}
Matt:"You know, I don't know if you heard what the O'Bannons said but then I checked the alumni roster on SEF.com....they are right.  Almost every single person on my roster has a a better win/loss record than I have.  I don't think it would be right to book myself on an FFE card since I own the brand extension.  Sure, I have a decent record elsewhere but I'm not Justin, I can't just show up somewhere and brag that I am off of a hot streak in another company.  All people know is that I was an SEF failure.  I hate failure, but I also promised my father that I would take care of my sisters......Maegan's a married adult who can take care of herself....but Emma's only recently made 18.  I just gave her the first and only job that she's ever had.  I need advice, Viper."
((This has been an official *MATT FOX * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))

Taylor Andrews

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Re:Matt seeks advice from Viper
Date Posted:21/10/2010 10:09 PMCopy HTML

So Viper looks up from his desk, Tina sitting on the sofa texting on her cellphone wearing whatever she usually wears, not a big deal. Viper motions to a chair and Matt sits down, then Viper says.

Well first man, now that Mack is heading back to SEF ya outta look him up for a fat sack a weed and reduce some of that stress somehow, he may have a cure!?

Viper grins and so does Matt, then Viper says.

Second, just don't worry. I know, I know, easy to say for me who has accomplished so much here and earned this and that and blah de fucking blah, who cares!? Look Matt, your running FFE, your not wrestling for SEF, so why worry what these kids have to say. And if ya want to book yourself, do it. Fuck, no one says I can't have a match in SEF and if I am ever challenged, as in a straight up, hey you bastard, I want to face you, then I'll answer it with a yes and either kick their ass or get mine kicked!

Matt nods and says.

Yea, so ya think I should just do that or book myself whenever I want to?

Viper just says.

Well, its up to you man, FFE is your business, ya just got a good production company backing ya cause SEF has stood the test of time. I'd focus more on getting others over, but if ya got personal issues with these O'Bannon's or whoever, then deal with them in the ring. Makes no difference to me and well they may call ya a failure it works cause here ya are stressing. They got to ya, but ya want my opinion on your career here?

Matt nods yea saying.

Of course man, I value yours!

Viper rolls his eyes and smirks, then says.

Yea, well then, way I see it ya haven't really succeeded or failed at anything in SEF and I was here three years back, I remember firsthand of what went down. Ya started slow and never got off to much, but as long as your in prime condition to make something of yourself, how can ya fail? Besides, who are these O'Bannon's again cause I don't think they've really succeed at much themselves?!

He laughs and Matt chuckles at that one. Viper just says.

I admire ya for wanting take care of family, but remember, FFE is your family, SEF is your family, its how ya run a successful promotion, earn trust of one another, learn to trust those working for ya and put together the best show on the circuit. Its what SEF has done for almost nine years now!

He shrugs and nods his head as Matt nods to him and ponders what Viper has said.

Kristin Fox

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Re:Matt seeks advice from Viper
Date Posted:22/10/2010 12:58 PMCopy HTML






{Matt scratches his chin.  Then looks back at Viper}

Matt Fox:"I think I'll piss him off and kick his ass all at the same time.  I'll pull him from the battle royal and face him at the ppv.  I'll also keep the baby happy and let her be a ring announcer, {he glances at Tina} let her keep her face time while letting her think that Justin and I are not going to be watching anyone who gets close to her."

((This has been an official *MATT FOX * Roleplay))

Layout 2006 Kristen Cooper and Illusion's Prison Designs ((ALL RIGHTS RESERVED))


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