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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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He Can't Be Back...NO

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 02, 2023, 10:09:55 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:23/10/2010 11:17 AMCopy HTML

The last bit of Extreme is shown where Viper reveals Matlock's opponent for Extreme Revolution and then the screen is paused, skipped back a few seconds and played to show again the announcement of Shane Mack returning at the pay per view to face Matlock with a World Title shot at Wildside on the line. Then a remote is thrown to the large flat television hanging the wall cracking the screen and so we now moves over to a sofa where Rick Reynolds sits looking pissed. He sports the usual suit, his World Title lays on the arm of the sofa and his eyes are wide in disbelief, then he yells.
Rick grabs the belt pulling it on to his lap and stares down at it, he rubs the faceplate and looks up really pissed and says.
I will not let this belt slip through my fingers and back to Mack, not Wednesday night, not ever! Your past your prime Mack, your old news, you're a has been and tomorrow night you only have to face one man who isn't even worthy enough to polish this title for me, let alone get a shot at it. You face the weakest of the weak in SEF while I have to face three men all wanting my belt. Justin Rodgers thinks he's so great, he thinks he tells it like it is yet claims others copy Mack, please, what a joke. All Justin is doing is trying to act like Mack, oh, telling the facts, bullshit!
Rick pulls his belt up on to his right shoulder and sneers, his eyes determined to put them all down and Rick says.
The only fact is that Rick Reynolds is and forever will be World Heavyweight Champion as long guys like you Justin, as long as ya continue to spew nonsense week after week, claim facts when the only way to make something true is to prove it which you have yet to do and that's a fact. Hell, when Jason Price called you out he wasn't lying if ya listened to him which you probably didn't do because the truth hurt too much to hear. Fact of the matter is, Jason never got anything wrong, but tomorrow night he will be proven wrong by me. As for you thinking he could be in the DC, that would be fine by me, so if Price wants a spot, he can have one, but its either that or this World strap. Fact is, Jason is staring down at me like you and Chris and staring with a false sense of accomplishment because neither one of you will unseat the king and take my crown!
A smirk forms on his face now, the determination still there and he leans back relaxing a bit saying.
Speaking of Chris Orton, its funny how you fail to remember last year, the rivalry of the year we had which I carried you through. I made you the star you are and now its time to put you in your place and prove who the true talent of our feud was. You got the glory last year, tomorrow night is mine, it belongs to Rick Reynolds, no one else! I have yet to see a challenger put in front of me that deserves to be in the ring with the World Champion! Justin had a shot already, so he especially doesn't deserve to be in this match. Chris and Jason, just more names to fill space, to help SEF and its reputation of always giving chances to everyone, giving opportunity to even the worst of the worst!
He grins slickly and says.
Jason Price, like everyone else in this fatal four way you do have a price on your head and I'm collecting on it by making your ass tap out. Your so called Priceless hold is no match for my superior technical ability, the real Deathtrap will make you and everyone else tap out. The difference between you and I is that its not my goal to make any of you tap out, its just something I can do if I want to. I got no qualms about pinning you to win this match, by hook or crook, by my unmatched talent, it doesn't matter how I win, just that I will win!
An arrogant, confident smile on his face and Rick pats his title saying.
Speaking of goals, there is another thing you were wrong about Justin, another so called fact I will prove is a lie uttered from your cesspool of a mouth. You see, the DC's goal is to dominate and we have done every bit of that so far and will only continue to rule SEF with the iron fist we have hanging over every one of you miserable specimens on the roster. My goal however is simply sitting right here on my shoulder!
He stares forward intently and determined to keep his one, true love, the World Title and Rick says.
You have no idea the amount of fuel this belt gives me, the energy it instills in me to continue and be the best there is! Your hunger is like that of a child, you simply want anything to satisfy your need where as I am specific, I know exactly what I want and without I will kill to get it, to keep the World Heavyweight Championship! Your pathetic Justin, you and your entire extended family are pathetic. The Dangerous Corporation could wipe out all of you without breaking a sweat. You grew up in a fantasy world, you try to make believe that there is this perfect element to your surroundings, but your wrong son, your naïve to the way it truly is for perfection is impossible unless your name is Rick Reynolds!
And now he smirks again, then says.
Extreme Revolution will indeed live up to its name because the DC is revolutionizing this business and showcasing the true talent that lies within SEF. There is no one in this company who can stop us and damn sure no one in this match tomorrow night that can stop me! The three of you will be fighting for second best, to see who gets to remain one on one with the greatest wrestler in SEF, period.
And now Rick stands up adjusting the title on his shoulder, brushing his hair back some and remains focused and determined as he says.
Mack may be back and this may be an unjust travesty, but mark my words, he will not get his hands back on this belt and I know, what if Matlock beats Mack?!
A slight laugh from Rick who says.
And what if pigs fly right, what if Johnny Camaro actually got it? Where as anything can happen, look at reality and see the truth, Mack is going to Wildside, Rick Reynolds is gonna be there as well as World Champ, but if any of you pitiful peons think I am defending this beautiful belt that night, your wrong! And go on, say I am looking too far forward, but you'd be wrong again for its only four days from now, two World Title matches three days apart and that too is wrong!
Rick just shakes his head side to side and pats his title on his shoulder, then turns walking away. The view pans back to the cracked television with a shot of Viper able to still be made out frozen in time from the recording of last weeks Extreme, then fade to black.

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